Through our proposal we want to rethink the way of waiting. Our goal is to provide flexible prototype which combines openess towards a city with a feeling of enclosure at the same time. It is not longer sitting area, it becomes a place where we can work, charge our devices, lean on, but significantly starting point for socializing with other people.

Our design concept revolved around an assembled wooden structure working with repeatable triangle shapes. We are providing solar panels on top of the roof to gain renewable energy for the outlets. The table and seating option resulting from the interlocking is adapted to human comfort, which we have proven in the real model on a 1:1 scale.

By using recycled materials collected around the city of Barcelona we are making a sustainable approach and we indicate the possibility of using different materials. Our proposal decreases the costs to the minimum. The modulated construction enables to adapt to the site.

Using the module “a”, it is not necessary to have a specific size. The repeatable construction can be optimised to the specific sites. In a sequence, module “a” and the doubled module “2a” are interlocked alternately with its assembling tool, providing for a continues course and various deviations.

By using the repeatable module (a) and blocks as fillers, we are decreasing the amount of materials to the minimum.The assembling allows folding the bench, making it flexible and easy to transport as well as deconstruct.

As we only use unprocessed wood for our construction without changing its composition the lifecycle extends. It can easily be reutilize after deconstructing without being damage.

Placa Bonanova

Autoria: Pola Piesio, Maja Espeland Valseth, Anna Lea Miller

Professorat: Pilar Armand-Ugón, Cristina Rosa Cervelló, Joan Espinas Riera, Alonso Atienza Sánchez, Jordi Mas Morellò

School of Architecture La Salle. Universitat Ramon Llull

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