Uplifting the Street

The recreation of change, excitement, and passion is what a space needs to have life within it. People desire to live in a place where they feel more connected to each other and coming together as one community. Located in the district of Sant Marti, the project is to be placed in Rambla de Prim, in the neighborhood of La Pau. Taking advantage of the cultural diversity, plus the non-utilized space, the idea of the project is to give a bolder function to the street; as to transform the current emptiness by bringing people together and forming a more connected community, because currently, there is an obvious sense of disconnection. The envision of the project is to take this Rambla to a whole new level, in terms of upgrading it through integrating an elevated multifunctional structure that is aiming to bring in more life and connectivity to the street. The structure of our project is to be located in the central area of the street, which will occupy one side only, in order to take into account not to affect the other pedestrians moving along. The goal of the structure is to combine several activities, as it is modular and can be transformed into more than one scenario. This modularity will allow the community to reconnect and give more life to the street. The people there can use it to dine, work, relax, study, and even share a common vegetation ground. Not just that, but why not even have a mini concert every now and then? This all can be achieved due to the modularity of the structure which absolutely allows it to transform successfully, which is also why cedar wood and steel metal are chosen to be the combined materials for the project to allow more of this flexibility.


Yang Jinchuang, Chloe Groch, Shahdan Saleh,

IED Barcelona


Irma Arribas, Sebastián Alberdi

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